The Gigantes Islands, also known as Islas de Gigantes or the islands of giants, located off the coast of Carles and Estancia towns in northeastern Iloilo, Philippines. It takes at least 5 hours to get there from Iloilo City. Those willing to go the “extra mile” can look forward to enjoying beautiful seascapes and a laid-back island lifestyle that Gigantes has to offer. The islands are blessed with crystal white sand beaches, bountiful fresh seafood, and amazing rock formations.
The islands are also home to different mystical caves hidden behind steep cliffs and amazing rock formations. A very steep rocky trail in Gigantes Sur leads to the top that the locals call as the “Boulevard.” At that point, one could enjoy a 360-degree view of Gigantes group of islands and the Visayan sea.
1. ROCK FORMATION - Islas de Gigantes Islands welcomes you with limestone formation. There is a great rock formations all over the islands. Tangke Salt Water Lagoon is awesome because of its amazing hidden feature.
2. BEACH - not as photogenic as of Boracay Island, but something I love is its simplicity.
3. ISLAND - Cabugao Island (considered as the most photographed) is not that overrated in social media when you see personally. Meanwhile, Bantigue Island is where the perfect sandbar during low tide is located. Gigantes Sur and Gigantes Norte have Tangke Lagoon and Gigantes Lighthouse respectively, aside from its white sand beaches.
4. FOOD - Budget is not a problem because seafoods have lower price (name your choice and kind of cooking) without sacrificing the quantity and taste.
5. OVERNIGHT STAYING - No worries because Gigantes Norte and Gigantes Sur are lined with resorts from cottages to fan rooms, while others have airconditioned rooms (Like MJ Beach Resort). Tents are commonly seen in some islands like in Antonia Island and Cabugao Gamay.
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